
The Maple is interested in creating unique relationships in and outside of our community. Choose between customized print sections within the pages of The Maple, and sponsorship opportunities for different events we host. 


Let’s Talk!

Want to Advertise?

By advertising in The Maple, your message will come alive within the pages that will be delivered directly to approximately 3,200 in-town and rural addresses of Baldwin City. There will also be distribution points placed around Baldwin City and the town of Vinland.


Contact a Rep

Have a story idea?

We have no fear that we will run out of stories to be told in Baldwin City. The Maple is only made possible with the help of this amazing community. Please share any fun or interesting facts, stories or events that are happening in our community. 


Reach Out!

Where can I get a copy?

There are distribution points placed around Baldwin City

Baldwin City Market

Rodrock Chiropractic

Baldwin City Library

Baldwin City Chamber of Commerce

The Lumberyard Arts Center

The Nook

Who receives the magazine?

  • Any address with a 66006 zip code
  • Any business with a 66006 zip code
  • Rural addresses with a 66006 zip code
  • Request to be on the mailing list for the next two issues. (See link above)
“It is a wonderful publication! It makes me feel so blessed to be living in Baldwin…a true community that cares.”
-Bonnie K.